In te Domine speravi, Josquin des Prez (c. 1450/1455 – 1521)
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In te Domine speravi
Per trovar pietà in eterno.
Ma in un tristo e obscuro inferno
Fui et frustra laboravi.
Rotto e al vento ogni speranza
Veggio il ciel voltarmi in pianto.
Suspir lacrime m’avanza
Del mio tristo sperar tanto.
Fui ferito, se non quanto
Tribulando ad te clamavi.
In te Domine speravi.
In Thee O Lord did I hope
To find pity for ever.
But in a sad and dark hell
I was, and suffered in vain.
Broken and thrown to the wind is all hope.
I have seen heaven turn me to weeping.
Only sighs and tears remain
To me of my sad, strong hope.
I was wounded, but in my sorrow
I called upon Thee.
In Thee O Lord did I hope.